Life Constellations: Smelling a Rose Without a Sign
‘ 'You are walking in nature, and you see a beautiful and great smelling flower. How do you look at it? You are walking in nature, and...

“Being Like Our Place”
Stories of migration, told and untold, are still alive in our bodies. First, second, or third generations of migrants carry memories of...

Winnie the Pooh and the 5 Regrets of the Dying
“Maybe in the end We will have understood That we are not much more Than what we give to others”, Today on your birthday, a Catalan song...

Two Weddings and Two Funerals - Being in Service to Life
It is a sunny May morning and I am sitting with Greg, my Australian husband, in the kitchen of Monsieur Bavard in the little village of...

What New Stories are We Creating for Our Children?
On the eve of Australia day I attended Ngarrama, a truth-telling and reconciliation event on Awabakal and Worimi Country, to acknowledge...

Saying “Yes” to Life
“Start close in, don’t take the second step or the third, start with the first thing close in, the step you don’t want to take.” David...

“Love Only Needs Three Words”
“Thank you, please, yes”, these are the three words that love needs, according to Bert Hellinger. Thank you, please, yes. They are simple...

From Little Things Big Things Grow
Sometimes we walk away from a constellation workshop completely transformed. The step we take, the connection we make, the healing...

The Lost Language of My Ancestors
Like a mother, our country of origin nourished us. We are deeply connected to her soil, firmly rooted in her. As Francesca Mason-Boring...

A cushion, a bow and a song - Three resources to bring constellations into our everyday life
You will find below three exercises than can help us take constellation work into our everyday life. “My cushion” - or acknowledging what...