Francine Jordà
Family Constellations & Counselling
What clients say...
“ I recently attended Francine's weekend Family Constellations workshop, which touched my heart and life deeply. It was a very powerful experience to witness my family system through this process. It allowed me to see my family with new eyes. Francine held the space with delicate, safe and highly trained facilitation skills. A very embodied, moving experience." Michelle Turnbull -Counsellor”
"Deep gratitude Francine, for such a rich evening of connection; professionally and so respectfully facilitated." Kaye Ryan, Gestalt Therapist and Family Constellations Facilitator
"Dear Francine.... Thanks for holding the space so well at the Family Constellation Workshop last Friday. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to dive into our roots and/or be of service to others." Margot Broug, Holistic Counsellor & Body-Oriented Psychotherapist
"I was blown away by your workshop... what powerful work you do.
A profound workshop both personally and professionally... thank you. You bring such sensitivity and a wealth of experience to your work... I feel very grateful to have been a part of it." Elaine Murray, Counsellor
"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Woooooooow!
I just finished a family constellations workshop with Francine as our beautiful facilitator.
Holly gosh people you can not miss her next one!!! Holy, moly!!!!
I feel truly blessed to have you doing this amazing work within the centre x." Lucy Ellis, Hypnotherapist, Newcastle Health Collective owner
"Thank you very much for helping me in the workshop last month, my mother has been really nice and happy to speak with me on the phone after the session, and I feel a heavy weight has been lifted from both of us. Thank you : )" Mia Chan
"The constellation I did with you most certainly helped. It took away the last little doubts that I was capable of proceeding with the venture. It was quite a revelation to see where some doubts were held and a relief to have them dispelled. I truly love the constellation work I have been involved with especially in your work shops. You bring a quiet calm and confidence which serves as a safe/ protective space in which to explore and resolve issues. Your genuine concern and compassion (without attachment to outcomes) has touched me and helped me specifically as well as helped me be available for others as well. The most important aspect of that constellation for me was to see that I was still seeking my mother’s approval. And unconditional love. And a relief when I felt I was able to accept it." Dragika Vukas
"Having heard about Family Constellation, I was curious to experience it for myself. Participating in Francine’s workshops was an incredible eye-opener for me.
Sharing her informative background knowledge about Family Constellation, Francine followed it with giving us the opportunity to experience it in action.
Francine has a presence of calm that fills a whole room. With her gentle, genuine and intuitive personality she provides the most caring and safe environment to explore one’s issues.
I was in awe of her expertise, the way she guided participants through this process.
It gave us the opportunity to observe our issues as a ‘bystander’ rather than being ‘enmeshed’ in our emotions, and yet one is totally absorbed experiencing and feeling things from someone else’s perspective.
I gained most amazing insights that changed my perceptions and let me recognise misunderstandings. These shifts lead me to replace resentment and confusion with forgiveness, clarity, compassion and deep understanding.
I find it hard to explain the changes I have experienced. All I can say is that they were and still are very profound, life changing and amazingly uplifting.
Thank you so much, Francine. I’ll be back for more.
I can recommend Francine Jordà and her work with all my heart." Christine Martin, Counsellor, EFT practitioner