Francine Jordà
Family Constellations & Counselling

Family Constellation Resources
for the Individual Practice
Online training
28, 29 March and 4, 5 April 2025
This training is especially created for any type of practitioner, educator, health professional, who would like to gain a systemic perspective both personally and professionally. This is an opportunity to learn about the principles of FC and acquire some techniques that will broaden your scope when supporting others.
Content of the Training:
The Art of Helping
with Francine Jorda and Laeti Noblet
Online 2 day module
23 and 24 May 2025
Who is it for?
Anyone supporting others personally and/or professionally.
In this module we will learn how to support others in a loving and respectful way. Guided by Bert Hellinger's orders of helping, we will practice self-awareness, presence and systemic empathy to become the best helper we can be.
We will learn through explanations, systemic exercises in small groups, self-reflection and feedback.
What trainees say...
"Thank you very much to Francina and the other amazing facilitators that provided so much experience of the work of family constellations. I feel like I can understand the systemic framework and I am open to engaging with these processes with my clients. Francina is an open hearted trainer and facilitator that knows the magical art of holding space for a group. I cherish her as a mentor in my life that has given me so much, I’m eternally grateful." L.E., hypnotherapist, Newcastle Health Collective owner.
"This 12-day training with Francine was an amazing life changing experience. To me, Family Constellation is a most fascinating modality. The principles seem straight forward and ‘simple’, yet the field is so vast, intricate and multifaceted. Francine is an extremely skilled facilitator, who brings the theory to live and makes it easy to understand. She allows and encourages discussions and personal exploration and most of the training is practical experience. I’m in awe when I watch Francine facilitate in her deeply understanding, graceful and skilful manner. I feel privileged to have her as my teacher. There is so much I’m still processing and digesting. What I experienced was a beautiful blend of grounding, bonding, learning, humour, tears, growth, deep insights and I feel so grateful for it all. Thank you, Francine, fellow participants, co-facilitators and workshop participants for this incredibly enriching experience."
C.M., counsellor and EFT practitioner
"Training with Francine was a deep and rich learning experience. Francine shows a gentle and supportive way of working with family constellations. I feel inspired to continue this learning - not only professionally, but also on personal level. It is deep systemic healing, true soul work! Thank you Francine!", J.A., holistic psychotherapist
"Francine’s passion for this work really shines, and contributes to a fun and engaging atmosphere. She held a safe, supportive space to fully explore and practice methods and tools to support my coaching work. I learned a great
deal from Francine’s stories and anecdotes, and I was inspired by her thorough background and vast experience in the work. I enjoyed her relaxed, relateable style, and the way she was able to explain the concepts using examples and providing useful resources." B. O., Non Violent Communication coach.
"I am an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner and find Family Constellations is an extremely complimentary modality as it also treats tensions at an emotional level.
The four day workshop allowed for me as a participant to explore the theory of Family Constellations, undertake my own personal work to experience the modality first hand, support other participants by guiding them through practice opportunities. The workshop was very hands on and this allowed me to consolidate what I had learnt through practice and observation.
I found Francine to be a highly skilled practitioner who intuitively guides her clients, provides a safe space and practices non-judgement. Throughout the workshop days which were structured in a flexible format sympathetic to the participants needs, I experienced shifts in my own emotions and as a result, my relationship with my partner has deepened and my perceptions that relate to my family have altered; I’m experiencing a new level of empathy and compassion for myself and others.
I would highly recommend undertaking Family Constellations to practitioners of other modalities, as well as a therapy method for those wishing for personal growth on their own healing journey.
Thank you Francine. I’m so grateful to have been part of such a beautiful experience and have made connections and friends through this work." KD, 2018.
"I feel so lucky to have completed the 4 days of practitioner resources training with Francine. The course was very engaging, supportive, empowering, challenging and enlightening - a journey that was significant in my personal healing, and also in the way that I will support clients in my healing modality. Thankyou Francine for the way you share this work, it’s truly a blessing!" J. B., equine therapist.
"The training with Francine has had a positive impact on me personally and professionally. I have successfully changed stubborn blocks that have kept me trapped and frozen. My personal change will allow me to more effectively assist my clients in their own life journey. It is a unique approach that I cannot adequately describe. My best advice is to go to a workshop with an intention to surrender to healing and growth and the gifts you receive will be life changing." J.H., nurse, healer. 2018.
"Francina has a compassionate, respectful approach to every person's needs.
At all times I found myself feeling safe and able to explore any issue that needed to come up." DV. 2018.
Francine has an incredible pool of knowledge that she shares generously and with passion. She is calm, gentle, companionate and very intuitive.
I have learnt so many new tools that I can use in my Counselling Practise. I like the experiential aspect of Family Constellation, you really ‘feel’ what’s going on.
The personal shifts and insights I gained throughout the training were phenomenal! Thank you for your beautiful facilitation, Francine. The most powerful one was the one about feeling lonely, as though I don’t belong. In the constellation, the war that my parents experienced came up, and I could release that shame and the anger I was subconsciously holding onto. I didn’t realise how much had shifted, until I introduced myself a few weeks later at another workshop. I started with and held onto the representation of Germany as a matter of fact, saying, this is my heritage, my family roots, this is where I come from. I felt so grounded, had such a sense of belonging, no ‘negative’ emotions whatsoever and felt very much at peace. Such a vast difference.
I can highly recommend training with Francine. There are so many aspects you can learn from, the participating, observing and representing in constellations, the many resources that can be applied in different ways and settings. You will benefit from a practitioner’s perspective, but you will also grow through your own personal work." CM, EFT practitioner and counsellor. 2019
"I have just finished the 4 day Family constellation training with Francine Jordà. I was really sad to see it end, as the personal healing journey that occurred and the tools I now have as a professional are life changing for me and the clients I help.
Francine is a a dedicated and experienced facilitator that leads with her heart. She knows how to hold the space so well, she is fun, and light hearted and caring. Thank you so much Francine for sharing your wisdom with me, I will be forever grateful." L.E., hypnotherapist. 2017.
"I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from such a sensitive, skilful and experienced Family Constellations facilitator as Francine. This course has helped me so much both personally and professionally thank you. Experiencing at a deep level that healing is about much more than the individual. Family Constellations is so beautiful and powerful and you really honour the work Francine. I’ve started to understand and heal patterns in my life that have just not made sense up until now. It gives me a lot of hope in my own personal journey, my work with clients and on a more global level that we can all help each other heal." E.M., counsellor.
"I came across Francina through my yoga centre. When I read a bit about Family Constellations I felt a strong pull to attend a workshop. I really enjoyed the workshop and for days afterwards I had a lot of great personal insights. I then saw Francina individually. From there I was invited to undertake the 4 day course which I decided to do. I thoroughly enjoyed this course, if you want to gather deeper insights into yourself and your family system I would highly recommend going on this journey. Francina approaches this course with deep empathy and compassion." S. E., nurse. 2017.