Winnie the Pooh and the 5 Regrets of the Dying
“Maybe in the end We will have understood That we are not much more Than what we give to others”, Today on your birthday, a Catalan song...
From Little Things Big Things Grow
Sometimes we walk away from a constellation workshop completely transformed. The step we take, the connection we make, the healing...
Becoming one mind: Constellation as a meditative walk
From the moment we decide to join a constellation workshop in any capacity, as witnesses, representatives, clients or facilitators, we...
“In our ancestry, there are many answers we need today…”
In these thorny times, we can derive strength from looking back to the story of our ancestors. In our ancestral tree lie not only the...
Accidental Healing
We know that coming together supports healing. The obvious reason is because in a group, we are not alone. But what makes it lighter to...
🌺 The exquisite power of the community 🌺
I am a group freak. As a French teacher, I have always enjoyed the energy created in the classroom setting, as opposed to private...