Francine Jordà
Family Constellations & Counselling
Here you will find some resources that I
This is an interview with Maria Dolenc, gestalt therapist and family constellations facilitator from Sydney. Maria explains what family constellations are in her very straightforward and heartfelt way.
This is a video from Shavasti that I particularly like. Shavasti explains how our hidden loyalties can have an effect on our current life. How unhealthy loyalties can minder our capacity to thrive, our magnificence.
Chris Walsh is a psychiatrist and family constellations facilitator based in Melbourne. In his generous website he shares his own impressions on mindfulness and constellations as well as articles by international facilitators. In this article, Chris explores the popular hobby of researching family history. He gives us brief glimpses of his own family history and with the use of a simple case study shows how family history research can heal, especially with the aid of constellations.